2023 Activities and
Environmental Data
Based on our environmental policy, the Kumon Group is promoting activities to identify and reduce the environmental impact of its business activities, as well as to promote forest conservation.
In FY2023, the Kumon Group as a whole continued to reduce electricity and paper consumption, and increase the amount of recycled paper as basic actions related to the environment. As a result, environmental data for the entire Kumon Group in FY2023 were 96.1% for electricity consumption, 84.2% for paper consumption, and 90.7% for recycled paper compared to FY2022.
In Japan, we are promoting “Work Style Creation" as an initiative to realize diverse work styles, value creation, and productivity improvement for all staff. As part of this initiative, we have digitized documents and streamlined operations, resulting in a significant reduction in paper usage. In addition, remote work has taken root, leading to reductions in electricity and paper consumption.
- *
- The period covered by the report is FY2023 (April 1, 2023 – March 31, 2024). However, certain data from activities outside of this period are also included.
- *
- The electricity usage data from the locations below are not included in this report:
- KNA:
- USA- Detroit Office, Atlanta Office , Houston Office , Washington, D. C. Office , San Francisco Office , Seattle Office
- Canada:Toronto Office , Vancouver Office , Calgary Office
- KAO:
- Indonesia Surabaya Office
Australia- Melbourne Office , Brisbane Office , Adelaide Office
New Zealand- New Zealand Office - KEA:
- UK- Manchester Office , Birmingham Office
- *
- Overseas offices and subsidiaries not associated with the above RHQs are not included.
Electricity Usage
The Kumon Group is promoting the reduction of the usage of electricity to reduce the production of greenhouse gases in order to slow global warming.
We engaged in many daily activities such as adjusting air conditioning temperatures, turning off lights in areas that are not being used, and setting personal computers on energy-saving mode.
Electricity consumption in FY2023 was reduced by 9.6% in Japan and 8.4% in Europe and Africa compared to FY2022. This is attributed to each group company's active efforts to switch to LED lighting and upgrade their air conditioning equipment, as well as remote work and office reorganization.
The Kumon Group as a whole reduced electricity usage by 3.9%. We will continue to implement energy-saving activities.
We will continue to promote energy-saving activities.

Year | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 |
Electricity usage (MWh) |
11,901 | 9,847 | 9,349 | 8,632 | 8,299 |
Y/Y(%) | 95.9 | 82.7 | 94.9 | 92.3 | 96.1 |
CO2 Emissions
The majority of greenhouse gases emitted by the Kumon Group are generated by electricity usage. Therefore, we work on the reduction of our CO2 emissions by promoting the reduction of our electricity usage.
Compared to FY2022, the Kumon Group as a whole reduced CO2emissions by 3.4% in FY2023, and by 9.5% per unit of sales (CO2emissions/Net sales).
*The CO2 conversion coefficients used are the latest for each country as listed in “Emissions Factors 2023” by the International Energy Agency (IEA). As the figures were disclosed only after our count, we retroactively corrected the data to the coefficients of the concerned fiscal year.

Year | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 |
CO2 emissions (t-CO2) |
5,578 | 4,500 | 4,185 | 3,862 | 3,730 |
Y/Y(%) | 94.2 | 80.7 | 93.0 | 92.3 | 96.6 |
Paper Usage
As the Kumon Group uses a large amount of paper for worksheets, etc., we promote the reduction of paper usage to preserve forest resources.
We have been promoting the digitization of documents, paperless meetings, printing on both sides of paper, and compact usage of paper, etc.
In addition, paperless operations have been advanced due to the increase in teleworking, digital reporting, and the digitization of FAXs etc.
Furthermore, the Kumon Group is expanding the use of environmentally friendly FSC-certified paper.
Compared to FY2022, paper consumption in FY2023 was reduced by 4.9% in Asia&Oceania and 22.2% in Japan.
The Kumon Group as a whole was able to reduce paper consumption by 15.8% and the basic unit (paper consumption/sales) by 21.1%.
- *Paper purchase volume calculated as paper usage volume

Year | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 |
Paper usage (millions of sheets) |
41.6 | 17.7 | 13.8 | 11.8 | 10.0 |
Y/Y(%) | 80.2 | 42.4 | 78.2 | 85.7 | 84.2 |
Paper Recycling
Each Kumon Group company promotes recycling by placing paper recycling boxes to collect used copy papers as much as possible.
In Japan, unwanted materials are regularly collected and recycled at the head office.
In FY2023, the amount of paper recycled by the entire Kumon Group decreased by 9.3% compared to FY2022.

Year | >2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 |
Paper recycling(t) | 937.1 | 846.1 | 789.5 | 900.0 | 816.6 |
Y/Y(%) | 90.9 | 90.3 | 93.3 | 114.0 | 90.7 |
- Environmental Communication
- Disclosure of information, environmental education,
and distribution of environmental news
- Environmental
Management of
the Kumon Group - 2023 Activities and
Environmental Data - Environmental
Communication - Kumon Environmental Activities Around the World
- Environmental Preservation with External Partners