Yesterday, today, and tomorrow
we at Kumon always have, and always will,
place the utmost importance on continuing to learn.
Kumon: the organization that never stops learning
Instructors and staff
continuously learn
from students.
The Kumon Method
and Its Strengths
Through the Kumon Method we aim to foster sound, capable individuals who can succeed in achieving their goals in life.
Five Features of Kumon’s Small-Step Worksheets
Click here for a detailed explanation of the secret behind the Kumon Method.
The Role of Kumon Instructors
Click here to read about the essential role of the Instructor for the Kumon Method.
One father’s love for his son gave birth to the Kumon Method of learning.
Kumon’s Aspirations
Kumon has a dream,
a dream of world peace brought about by education.
Kumon’s History
Timeless and borderless,
Kumon does its all for each and every individual.
Kumon Milestones
It began with children in Japan and now extends to students all around the world.