KIE and other Group companies in Japan (Kumon LIL, Kumon Publishing, and KTRIE have been promoting environmental management activities through the Environmental Committee in Japan.
The environmental data of the Group’s companies in Japan show favorable results for FY2018. Compared with the previous year, electricity use was 93.6%, paper usage was 79.0%, and paper recycling was 99.5%.
The Kumon Institute of Education introduced multi-function copy machines on a nationwide scale in January of 2018. At the same time personal recognition IC cards were introduced. Together, these measures have raised environmental awareness and led to a reduction in the usage of paper. In addition, work reforms have been introduced wherein digital means for information communication and exchange are being promoted. As more and more paper documents are replaced by digital means, we can expect further savings in paper usage in the future.
The Kumon Chiba Distribution Center (the logistics warehouse responsible for the distribution of all Kumon Publishing productions) has replaced all of the lighting in its warehouse space, work space, and office space to LED lighting. In addition, the roof of the warehouse has been reinforced with insulation material that is highly efficient and this has led to a reduction in the costs for heating and air conditioning. Furthermore, revision of work practices and usage of ICT have enabled a reduction in operation hours, and energy savings and paperless operations are also being promoted.
Environmental Data in Japan